FreeDBGrabber from WebSiteam to get info about music CDs.

Пресса: FreeDBGrabber

Издатель: websiTeam

WebSiteam announces an update of its software that allows accessing album and artist data from database. With FreeDBGrabber you can sort the retrieved data by artist, year, genre etc. and store it locally for future reference. If you’re looking for a complete discography of a band or a singer that you have run across by chance or want to be sure whether the collection of CDs by your favorite artist is complete FreeDBGrabber may be of use to you. This application retrieves data from freedb and delivers it to your desktop. Freedb is a huge internet database to look up CD information. All the data provided by freedb service is subject to general public license, which means it’s free. (to learn more about freedb visit .) FreeDBGrabber performs search by artist or by album and displays the results in a sortable list of expandable items representing bands/singers or titles correspondingly. The program includes "search within results’ feature allowing to find a particular name or an album/song title by typing and submitting it in the corresponding field. The retrieved CD information can be saved in a native format or exported as an RTF file, which is handy indeed. Now for the downside. The information in freedb database is submitted by lots of regular users so bad entries are unavoidable. Freedb staff make use of automated tools to deal with them, still, as they put it in their own words, they can’t guarantee that all submitted data is correct. This results in duplicate entries, titles confusion, and even typos in the band names. While it’s obvious that it’s not FreeDBGrabber developer who should deal with the issue, it can’t spare FreeDBGrabber users the confusion of choosing from "RHCP’ and "Red Hot Chili Peppers’ or "Nirvana’ and "Nirvanna’. There’s also a version for portable devices called FreeDBMobile which has the same functionality and features except for exporting to RTF. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: MS IE. Download FreeDBGrabber from: